Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Did anyone notice that the Red Sox just won the World Series?

The Red Sox are World Series champs! But you wouldn't know it. They swept the Colorado Rockies to win their second World Series in three years! But that's not important. Apparently the only important news on the days following the Red Sox victory is about, what else, the New York Yankees. Heaven forbid that some people may have missed the game on Sunday night, because they would not have been able to see news coverage the day after. The headliner: Alex Rodriguez opting out of his contract with the Yankees. And his joke of an agent decided to announce this news in the eighth inning of the World Series, right before the Red Sox were looking to win the game and the Series! Let's not discuss how every one of the Red Sox starting pitchers got the win in each of the four games of the Series, or how the entire lineup including the rookies hit better than the usual power hitters, or even that they swept to make their record in the last two World Series 8-0. Nah, A-Rod's leaving of the Yankees is much more important. He's one of the most horrible post-season players in the game, yet he will be asking for 30 million dollars a year for whatever team wants to suffer his membership. No matter what we do, the Yankees are like cockroaches. They still seem to find their way into the World Series.

By the way, congrats to Eric Gagne for his World Series ring! He deserves it!

National Novel Writing Month: A Daunting Task

Full-time college students take on writing a 50,000 word novel in one month, for fun.

-by Alia Murphy

As November approaches, thousands of writers like Michelle of Shirley, Massachusetts, prepare to sign up for National Novel Writing Month, an annual commitment to write a 50,000 word novel in one month.

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an organization made to inspire novel writers around the country. For years, NaNoWriMo has pushed these aspiring writers to their limits by giving them a seemingly impossible task: writing a 50,000 word novel in just thirty days.
Michelle, a student at Fitchburg State College, was successful in her first year, and will be participating for her second consecutive year. In November of 2006, she completed her 50,000 word novel by the deadline of November 30th. She, among thousands of others who completed their novels, received a certificate as an award. “It’s a difficult task. If you complete it you should definitely be proud of yourself.”

Michelle had always maintained an interest in writing, and when she discovered NaNoWriMo through an advertisement on Yahoo!, she decided to go for it. “I was never determined enough to do it, and when I saw this ad, I thought it would be a cool way to try it.”

While NaNoWriMo may seem to be an extremely difficult task, especially to those who are not writers, the novel writers are willing participants, and enjoy the project. “It’s a lot of fun. You definitely build communities with the other people that do it.” In fact, while I was interviewing Michelle, another student who participates in the project overheard the interview, and engaged in conversation with her.

The website,
www.NaNoWriMo.org, acts as the meeting ground for the participants. Here is where they sign up and record their progress throughout the month of November. Also, the website allows the participants to communicate with each other about their novels and any problems they may be having. It is a way to inspire writers to follow their ambitions while they are given support and structure.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Eric Gagne is like Herpes.

You can't always see him, but you know that he's there. And if he shows up, your night is definitely ruined.

I don't know what happened to him, but being a member of the Red Sox is definitely not his place. How can a professional major league pitcher be so terrible? I'm not one to bash any member of my beloved home team, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Gagne is a spy for the Yankees. In mid-September, Gagne had allowed 13 runs in 14 IP since July when he became a member of the Sox. He only had one successful one-two-three inning in 2 1/2 months. He blew multiple saves in September, which helped the Yankees get right back on our heels. It's almost like he wants to lose, everytime he plays. It's unbearable. If Tito brings him in during the remainder of the ALCS against Cleveland, man are the fans going to have some words for him. He's gone beyond proving that not only can he not pitch, he cannot save a game or even maintain a lead or a tie game (Game 3!!!). He needs to go somewhere, and fast. There is no place for him on the Red Sox. Not mention that we gave up Kason Gabbard for him. HELLO! Kason Gabbard! The pitcher was looking great on the Sox, and he will continue to shine on the Texas Rangers. In Theo we trust, for sure, but i guess no one is perfect. Hopefully Theo can continue leading us in the right direction by getting rid of the mistake - Eric Gagne.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Indians, here we come.

We've swept the Angels to cliam our spot in the American League Championship Series. Our next conquest: the Cleveland Indians. I have to say, it was a toss up for me between the Yankees or the Indians to win their series. On one hand, I would love to play the Yankees just to further the rivalry, and how better to win a championship than to sit the Yankees down. But on the other hand, I'm sick of playing them. Yes, it's the greatest rivalry in sports, but we play them about 20 times a season. Not to mention, we've already proved our point on the issue. We've already defeated the Yankees in a postseason for the ALCS title (CHOKE!!). So, I am looking forward to playing the Indians. Not to say that they are any less of a team, they have been on fire. They certainly won the series, as opposed to the Yankees losing. Their pitching has been "lights out," and their bats have been swinging. I just hope that the Red Sox can keep up the momentum that they have had throughout the postseason thus far.

Friday, 7:30 p.m., the first game of the ALCS begins with a pitching match-up to watch for. Beckett vs. Sabathia. It's going to be a tough series, but I have a good feeling that the Red Sox can pull it out.


Monday, October 1, 2007

Divison Champs

Well, we did it! after 12 years the Red Sox have won the American League Division title, while also maintaining the best record in baseball. Lately, there has been a lot of talk of the on field celebration that took place after the conclusion of the Yankees - Orioles game, which sealed our victory as the champs. The Red Sox, obviously excited, were celebrating on the field with champagne being drunk and poured over people. Many anti-alcohol groups found this extremely upsetting. BIG DEAL!! They're grown men, i think they can celebrate a their victory that has not been achieved in 12 years with some champagne if they choose. I think that people should understand that this occurs fairly frequently, no matter the celebration. People celebrate with alcohol for many celebratory reasons: anniversary, birthday, engagement, etc. So lets give em a break, and raise our glasses!