You can't always see him, but you know that he's there. And if he shows up, your night is definitely ruined.
I don't know what happened to him, but being a member of the Red Sox is definitely not his place. How can a professional major league pitcher be so terrible? I'm not one to bash any member of my beloved home team, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Gagne is a spy for the Yankees. In mid-September, Gagne had allowed 13 runs in 14 IP since July when he became a member of the Sox. He only had one successful one-two-three inning in 2 1/2 months. He blew multiple saves in September, which helped the Yankees get right back on our heels. It's almost like he wants to lose, everytime he plays. It's unbearable. If Tito brings him in during the remainder of the ALCS against Cleveland, man are the fans going to have some words for him. He's gone beyond proving that not only can he not pitch, he cannot save a game or even maintain a lead or a tie game (Game 3!!!). He needs to go somewhere, and fast. There is no place for him on the Red Sox. Not mention that we gave up Kason Gabbard for him. HELLO! Kason Gabbard! The pitcher was looking great on the Sox, and he will continue to shine on the Texas Rangers. In Theo we trust, for sure, but i guess no one is perfect. Hopefully Theo can continue leading us in the right direction by getting rid of the mistake - Eric Gagne.
I love that you consider Gagne a spy for the Yankees, I never thought about it until you mentioned it but it all makes sense now...
He'll be gone when all the "clear" cream names get released this week. Not that it helped him any in the first place.
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