When Thanksgiving approaches, we look forward to many things. Meeting with family (for some), eating as much food as humanly possible, or relaxing with a great after dinner turkey nap. For me, while I look forward to these things as well, another important part of enjoying Thanksgiving is football, but not for the conventional reasons. What I mean is that, while I am a football fan, I am not the biggest fan. I know a bit about the game, and the big names and the teams, and do enjoy to watch. But for me, the sounds of football shape the background music for the holiday. I grew up with football on the television throughout my childhood, since my father is a very big fan of the sport. So, my memories of Thanksgivings past include football as much as they do eating or meeting with my family. I would sleep in, until around 11 a.m., and wake up to hear the television with sounds of whistles, tackles, huddles, and announcers telling us about the game. I would walk out into the living room, where the sun would peek through the trees and shine through the 12' x 7' window, shedding light throughout the house. The cool brisk air outside can be seen in the breath of the players, while I cozied up on the couch with my favorite blanket and my dog. After we ate dinner, I would help clean up, then find my spot on the couch with my dad in his recliner. With our bellies filled with turkey, a nap was not far away. For me, it doesn't matter who's winning the game (unless the Patriots are playing), or what the announcers are saying. What's nostalgic for me are all of the sounds coming together, filling my ears with turkey day tradition.
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